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Today there are many 3D applications that are implemented on the web. Many companies put the
3D applications as an eye catching and also marketing strategy for their business goal. They
believe 3D graphic can attract web visitor’s attention since 3D graphic implementation is aimed to
visualize the products offered in a realistic way. Other reasons are for easy interactivity on the web
and also for fun to see 3D objects that can represent the real world (Intel Corp. 2002).
But there is one thing that should be considered before implementing 3D applications on the web:
only use it to “visualize physical objects that need to be understood in their solid form” (Nielsen
1998). Since the 3D file size is normally bigger than the normal graphic file, it is wise to only use
3D graphic in appropriate application. Related to the big file size created on 3D application, web
visitors should also be notified on pointed 3D files that need more than ten seconds to download
(Hogan 2002).
The development of 3D applications is also related to the development of tools and languages that
support it. This paper is going to discuss about the two popular languages that widely used in
building 3D application on the web, VRML and Java 3D. This paper is organized into 5 sections;
Section 1 is introduction of the paper, Section 2 is overview about VRML, Section 3 is description
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of JAVA 3D, Section 4 is the comparison between those two languages and Section 5 concludes
this paper.
Virtual is “being something in effect but not in actual name or form” (Vince 1999). In the
computer related term, virtual comes with reality. The two words together, Virtual Reality (VR)
means the reality of a particular world that is developed without physical existence of that world.
In more general, it is about substitutes of objects or environment that is created to represent those
objects or environments in the real world.
There are several characteristics of VR system, which are 3D, real time, first person view
(Backman 2000) and navigation, interaction, immersion and presence (Vince 1999). Virtual reality
system is about to use a computer with 3D pictures so that one can interact, move around and
navigate the objects. The presence and immersion of user in the virtual world is a kind of feeling
that someone is there to make it easier for him/her to understand and interact with the 3D world.
According to Backman (2000) VR can be categorized into 4 types such as Desktop VR (can be
shown in a monitor, keyboard and mouse for interaction), Augmented Reality (mixture between
real world, computer graphic, and sound), Telepresence (create an effect of moving someone to
another place) and Immersive VR (user tracked in some sense, using interfaces devices). Among
the other VR categories, Desktop VR is the most related to VR application on the web. One of the
examples of Desktop VR is VRML. VRML is an abbreviation for Virtual Reality Modeling
The reason why VRML is easily accepted in the web community is because it is “a simple and
accessible way” to create 3D scenes and it is encoded in UTF-8 (Unikey) format, which similar
with HTML encoded in ASCII (IRT.org 2002). Another reason is VRML can run in standard
computer processor, so that one does not need to have a high-speed processor to run a VRML
based scene (Daly 1998). Fisher (1997) thinks that by implementing VRML, it is something fun to
really explore the objects and its areas.
VRML is different from video, where video stores the whole moving pictures, which will be
transferred from web server to client browser to get the video played. But VRML, it does not store
the whole detailed information about the picture. It only stores (Fisher 1997):
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“the points in a geometric object, information about the color and transparency of those
object, information about how those objects simulate the refection of light and
information about any visual textures ”.
This means that once a person looks a VRML file, the browser search for those points in 3D file
and then constructs a scene based on the movement of eye point (the spot in which 3D browser is
looking at VRML world). The VRML file is normally end with .wrl extension, which means
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3. JAVA 3D
Sun Microsystems, the company that develops Java platform participates in the development of 3D
language. They call their language Java 3D. Java 3D consist of collection of Java classes that can
be used for the development of Java 3D application. The main Java 3D package is javax.media.j3d
and the other packages are javax.vecmath and com.sun.j3d (Sun 2002):
The illustration in Figure 1 below is showing the Java 3D layer to the Java 2 platform. Because
Java 3D is the extension from Java 2 platform (extending Java’s core capabilities to include 3D),
someone cannot display Java 3D applet in standard browser like Netscape Navigator or Internet
Explorer since those browser do not support the Java 3D classes in their Java Runtime
Environment. Fortunately, Sun already cope with this problem by releasing Sun’s Java Plug-in to
be installed in the computer system so that the web browser can handle the Java 3D classes. So
when there is a Java 3D applet, the Java Plug-in will create
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